Endless Gratitudes

This list serves as a reminder of how my life has been overflowed with sooo many miraculous events. Gratitude to ya, ya Allah :)

Started: 08.08.11
  1. Dikasih kepercayaan (dan kesempatan) untuk menjadi seorang Ibu :)
  2. Has a very adorable son who has a natural ability to swept away all my weary and sadness. Thank you for teaching me the truest form of love and sincerity ya sayang. I hope you find happiness in anything you do, now and forever.
  3. Has a very wonderful husband, as known as Baby Pongo. Thank you for bearing with my imperfections... I don't know what my life would be without you. Peyuuk...
  4. Thanks to  liburan Lebaran 2011 + sisa cuti, jadi bisa ngabisin 8 1/2 hari FULL sama Kai :) priceless!
  5. 4 January 2012 pagi, gw dapet tiuman mesra di bibir dari Kai :) kali ini lebih spesial soalnya Kai lagi gw gendong, terus tiba2 dia peluk leher n tium gw. And it happened twice! Yess, beberapa minggu belakangan ini Kai udah bisa nyium pipi, bibir... walaupun blom tentu tiap saat ngasih siih :D